Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Bob Beckel takes ‘The Five’ viewers on a fun (and messy) trip down memory lane

Bob Beckel takes ‘The Five’ viewers on a fun (and messy) trip down memory lane

Looking a bit worse for the wear, Bob Beckel and his suspenders made a triumphant return to the Fox News Channel Monday afternoon to “The Five.”
The surly liberal rejoined co-hosts Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino, with Guilfoyle welcoming him back with a big, affectionate hug, saying, “Come to mama.”
It remains to be seen how viewers receive Beckel, who left the show in 2015 after reportedly encountering problems with substance abuse.
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Bill Shine, executive vice president of programming for Fox, said at the time that the network would not hold the show “hostage to one man’s personal issues.”
An “excited and humbled” Beck escorted viewers on a trip down memory lane, looking at some of his more memorable moments during his first go-round on the show.
Whether it’s a stint in a dunk tank, a food eating contest, or doing yoga in Times Square, Beckel has always kept the folks entertained:

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